Wednesday, November 28, 2007

#5 flickr

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This a photo of Gracie our very eccentric 14 year old cow. We hand reared her from when she was one week old. She has had four calves and we have hand milked her after each one. Friends made lots of lovely cheeses, insisiting that her milk made the best cheeses they had ever made. We are her herd and she takes a keen interest in all we do. She is just like having an enormous, loving dog. An enormous pet.

I have uploaded this photo of mine to my blog direct from Flickr. It was a very easy process. I was interested to see the warning from Flickr when I set up my account that malicious third parties are trying to use Flickr for phishing personal details. Some people will try anything!

I'm amused by the possibilities and potential of posting notes on people's photos. Lots of info and humour potential in that.

The African community libraries had interesting photos. They were used to highlight the friends of african libraries organisation and that philanthropy was needed in most cases to establish and support these libraries. It was good to see a photo collection being used for a greater point.

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