Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thing 23!! Nearly the end...for now

I liked the image generated for the last entry in the training blog. Very amusing and clever, particularly as I am doing this work on Dec 3rd.

I have very much enjoyed this program and would like to say thanks for all of the hard work that has gone into creating it for us and supporting it...along with all of our questions and glitches.

I feel that there will be several things that will be taken up very quickly in our library service..(that means in the new year!). RSS feeds, Bloglines, librarything are just some of the things that I see being implemented. This assumes that I can persuade others, if they don't already agree. Also, wiki approaches for information that we can all use to keep infromation relevant and current.

CHRLC is launching a new web site in the new year. I hope it has been set up with enough flexibility that various of these things can be incorporated into it.

I know I will use many of these web 2.0 services personally from now on and that I will be showing people I know personally how to use them.

I have made a commitment in my annual review to conduct some internet/computer training with patrons, in very small groups, and I can see that I will be using the things learned in those.

I very much enjoyed the approach of the training. training doesn't have to be should be fun and relevant. Bring on libraries 2.0.

Thankyou once again.

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